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  • Comprehensive matrimonial profile
    Create a complete online matrimonial profile with all essential details under various categories like Religion, Residence, Education, Career, Life Style, Personality, etc.

  • Photo album
    You can add multiple photos in your profile and create your photo album to get maximum response.

  • Astro Profile (for online horoscope matching)
    Create your astro profile to get the advantage of online horoscope matching and see your compatibility report as per asthkoot guna matching while viewing other members profile .

  • Partner Profile (your desired partner preferences)
    Create your partner profile to describes your preferences for a desired partner. Your partner profile will be displayed along with your personal profile.

  • Protection (Full Control)
    Set your preferences anytime to control the visibility of your photographs and matrimonial profile.

  • Quick Search
    Quickly Search the members' profiles based on most essential criteria's.

  • Saved Search Criteria's
    Save your advanced search criteria's and use them anytime to get results instantly with just a one click.

  • Contact Members
    Contact members you like with your pesonal message

  • Add to Favourites
    If you do not wish to contact some members immediately but want them to consider later. Add them to your favourites and quickly find their profiles from your favourites list.

  • Accept / Decline Members
    Respond to members who contacted you with just a one click.
